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Manage OAuth 2.0 & OpendID Connect clients

OAuth2 clients are applications that securely authenticate with the authorization server to obtain access to an HTTP service. Confidential clients can use registered client secrets to authenticate, while public clients are unable to use registered client secrets. OAuth2 clients can be configured in a secure manner using the Ory OAuth2 and OpenID Connect product. This documentation article explains how to manage OAuth2 clients using the Ory Console, Ory SDK, Ory CLI, and Ory REST APIs.

Create OAuth2 Client

To create a new OAuth2 client, use the following methods:

The Ory Console is a web-based user interface that allows you to manage OAuth2 clients. To create a new client:

  1. Sign in to Ory Console and select OAuth2 Clients.
  2. Click Add New Client and complete the form or update an existing client.
  3. When creating a confidential client, copy the client secret when printed. It is only shown once.

Update OAuth2 Client

To update an existing OAuth2 client, use the following methods:

  1. Sign in to Ory Console and select OAuth2 Clients.
  2. Locate the client you want to update.
  3. Click on pen symbol to update the client's configuration.
  4. When done making changes, scroll to the top and click the Save button.

Patch OAuth2 Client

To partially update an existing OAuth2 client, use the following methods:

  1. Sign in to Ory Console and select OAuth2 Clients.
  2. Locate the client you want to update.
  3. Click on pen symbol to update the client's configuration.
  4. When done making changes, scroll to the top and click the Save button.

Delete OAuth2 Client

To delete an existing OAuth2 client, use the following methods:

  1. Sign in to Ory Console and select OAuth2 Clients.
  2. Locate the client you want to update.
  3. Click on pen symbol to update the client's configuration.
  4. Scroll to the buttom and click delete client.

OpenID Dynamic Client Registration

OpenID Dynamic Client Registration enables automatic registration of OAuth2 clients with the authorization server. When enabled, clients can be created, retrieved, updated, patched, and deleted dynamically without manual configuration. To enable OpenID Dynamic Client Registration use the Ory CLI:

ory patch oauth2-config {}
--replace "oidc/dynamic_client_registration/enabled=true"

OpenID Connect Dynamic Registration involves the use of a registration_access_token, which is a bearer token that allows a client to make requests to the OpenID Connect Dynamic Registration endpoint. The token is issued by the authorization server and can only be used by the client that it was issued to.

It's important to note that the registration_access_token is a sensitive piece of information that should be kept secure. It should only be used by the client that it was issued to and should not be shared with any other parties.

Register OAuth2 & OpenID Connect clients

Use the SDK or REST API to register an OAuth2 & OpenID Connect client:

import { Configuration, OidcApi } from "@ory/client"

const ory = new OidcApi(
new Configuration({
basePath: `https://${process.env.ORY_PROJECT_SLUG}`,
accessToken: process.env.ORY_API_KEY,

export async function createOidcDynamicClient() {
const { data } = await ory.createOidcDynamicClient({
oAuth2Client: {
grant_types: ["authorization_code", "refresh_token"],
redirect_uris: [""],
scope: "offline openid",
token_endpoint_auth_method: "client_secret_post",

console.log(data.registration_access_token) // Write this down, it is only sent once!
console.log(data.client_id, data.client_secret /* ... */)

The response includes the registration_access_token which is needed to manage the client. The token will only be shown once!

Get OAuth2 & OpenID Connect clients

The GET endpoint requires the client to authenticate with the registration_access_token regardless of the token_endpoint_auth_method. It can be used to retrieve the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect client.

import { Configuration, OidcApi } from "@ory/client"

const ory = new OidcApi(
new Configuration({
basePath: `https://${process.env.ORY_PROJECT_SLUG}`,
accessToken: process.env.ORY_API_KEY,

export async function getOidcDynamicClient(
id: string,
registrationAccessToken: string,
) {
const { data } = await ory.getOidcDynamicClient(
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${registrationAccessToken}`,

Update OAuth2 & OpenID Connect clients

The POST endpoint requires the client to authenticate with the registration_access_token regardless of the token_endpoint_auth_method. It can be used to update the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect client.

import { Configuration, OAuth2Client, OidcApi } from "@ory/client"

const ory = new OidcApi(
new Configuration({
basePath: `https://${process.env.ORY_PROJECT_SLUG}`,
accessToken: process.env.ORY_API_KEY,

export async function createOidcDynamicClient(
id: string,
updatedClient: OAuth2Client,
) {
const { data } = await ory.setOidcDynamicClient({
id: id,
oAuth2Client: {
grant_types: ["authorization_code", "refresh_token"],
// ...

console.log(data.registration_access_token) // Write this down, it is only sent once!

Delete OAuth2 & OpenID Connect clients

The DELETE endpoint requires the client to authenticate with the registration_access_token regardless of the token_endpoint_auth_method. It can be used to delete the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect client.

import { Configuration, OidcApi } from "@ory/client"

const ory = new OidcApi(
new Configuration({
basePath: `https://${process.env.ORY_PROJECT_SLUG}`,
accessToken: process.env.ORY_API_KEY,

export async function deleteOidcDynamicClient(
id: string,
registrationAccessToken: string,
) {
await ory.deleteOidcDynamicClient(
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${registrationAccessToken}`,

Example OAuth2 Clients

Here are some examples of creating OAuth2 clients with different options:

Client credentials

ory create oauth2-client \
--grant-type client_credentials \
--scope my-scope \
--token-endpoint-auth-method client_secret_basic

Token endpoint auth method

ory create oauth2-client \
--grant-type authorization_code \
--response-type code \
--scope openid \
--token-endpoint-auth-method client_secret_post \

Multiple redirect URIs

ory create oauth2-client \
--grant-type authorization_code --grant-type refresh_token \
--response-type code \
--scope openid --scope offline_access \
--token-endpoint-auth-method client_secret_post \
--redirect-uri --redirect-uri